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Students Run LA Video ( Part 1) 

This video a straight froward slide show about Students Run Los Angeles, a marathon running club. It shows my school's team season in a photo slide show. This video is one of my favorites because it was made in a matter of hours but came out really nice. It was edited by me.

Students Run LA Video ( Part 2) 

This in my favorite video I have produced not just technically but personally ,it is the second part of my SRLA video. This one is different from the one above in that it's more than just a slide show. If you look at the other one carefully I placed the photos by chronological order, it ends before the marathon. This video picks up where the other left off. I was on the team,but to make a long story short I could not complete the whole season, but I was with them the last week, recording and filming as much as I could. I was there in the marathon trying to get as much footage with them as possible. This is the end result. It was edited,filmed,photoed and directed by me.

Environmental Studies Final ( Semester # 1)  

A short film I did as a final to my environmental studies class, it is a comedy about a kid who litters and is then tortured by a narrator who tries to teach on how to live a more eco-friendly life. It was made rather quickly, it is a little crude but that's also kind of the draw, it was made with a handful of actors and just a camera man. Sound was added during the editing process and it forced to work more with sound editing. It was a very unique but rich experience. Edited, directed, sound edited, written by me.  

Environmental Studies Class Final ( Semester # 2) 

In a way a sequel to the video above, it was made for my second semester of environmental studies. It is a comedy about a kid finding seeds to a flower, a narrator than talks him through the steps of planting it and growing them.  It was made with a smaller amount of people than the last video, a total of 4 people including me. It was edited,co-written, co-directed, sound edited and shot by me

One day Challenge Short Film

A couple of friends and I came up with a challenge one day, to see if we could produce a short film in one day. We shot and wrote at the same time. It was very improvisational, once in the editing room I tried piecing together the random footage we shot into something with a loose narrative.In the end we completed our challenge by completing everything in less than a day. It was edited,directed,co-written, and shot by me. 

Drug Awareness Video

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to write more. Tell a story and let your users get to know you.

Robotics Team 597 Videos

Two videos I created for my school's robotics club, one was on a fundraiser at a USC football game while the other was on the school's middle school robotics program. Edited and shot by me.

Summer Video Project

A video created for a summer film program, this is my least favorite videos out of all the one I've created, but for the sake of showing every part of my film-making experience, I have to show a few missteps. Originally 3 short films, a documentary, a love comedy and a  gangster movie, a couple of friends and I combined them to make long short film about a couple of slackers watching TV, it has a few shinning moments, mainly the commercials shot by us.

A Walk in the Park 

As you can see from the videos above, I am a young filmmaker,learning with every experience something new. But I would like to just take a moment and just recognize my collaborative team, Javier Salas, Mario Narrciso and Johnny Gonzalez. These guys help me with piratically every short I've done and non of my work would have been possible without them.  

Special Thanks To

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